Dia sebenarnya bukan dipilih kerana PAS tetapi faktor utamanya adalah kerana dia paling layak di kalangan sembilan wakil rakyat Melayu dan beragama Islam yang ada di kalangan Adun DAP, PKR dan PAS yang membentuk kerajaan bersama itu.PKR hanya ada tiga Melayu manakala PAS ada enam.
DAP tidak mempunyai seorangpun Adun berbangsa Melayu dan beragama Islam.
Menjadi syarat kepada MB Perak (sebagaimana termaktub dalam undang-undang tubuhnya) adalah Melayu dan beragama Islam. Hanya Sultan Perak boleh mengubah syarat ini.
Rakyat Perak bukan sahaja bakal memperolehi seorang Menteri Besar yang boleh memberikan khutbah Jumaat bahkan juga seorang jurutera yang boleh bercakap empat bahasa, Melayu, Cina, Tamil dan Inggeris.
Ir Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin, 51, dilahirkan pada 17 Mac 1957 di Kampung Air Hitam Labu, Kampar Perak. Beliau telah mendapat pendidikan awal di Kampar, kemudiaannya meneruskan persekolahan di Sekolah Menengah Anglo Chinese, Kampar.
Selepas itu menyambung pelajaranya di Sekolah Menengah Teknik, Persiaran Brash, Ipoh. Pada tahun 1972 beliau mengambil Advance Level (A Level) di Norwich City College Of Arts & Technology Norwich, Norfolk, England.
Beliau merupakan lulusan Sarjana Muda Sains Kejuruteraan Mekanikal dari University Of Aston di Brimingham, United Kingdom.
Sekembalinya ke tanahair, beliau bekerja di beberapa agensi kerajaan termasuk Jabatan Kerja Raya bahagian bengkel dan kuari, Perbadanan Pembangunan Bandar (UDA - Daya Urus), Perbadanan Pembangunan Pulau Pinang.

Sebelum dilantik menjadi Menteri Besar beliau merupakan Pengarah Urusan di beberapa firma swasta. Di luar negara pula beliau banyak menjalankan beberapa projek di beberapa buah negara, antara di Birmingham, United Kingdom, Zug Switzerland, Miano Italy, Bangkok Thailand, Sdyney dan Goldcoast Australia, Doha Qatar dan Tehran, Iran.
Dalam bidang politik pula, beliau berkecimpung dengan PAS dengan memegang Ahli Jawatankuasa PAS kawasan Kampar (1999 - 2001). Beliau menjawat jawatan Yang Dipertua PAS kawasn Kampar (2001 hingga kini). Di peringkat PAS Negeri Perak, beliau memegang jawatan Bendahari PAS Negeri (2001- 2006), Setiausaha PAS Negeri (sebelum menjadi Menteri Besar Perak).
Walaupun beliau seorang yang berpendidikan tinggi tetapi beliau amat aktif dengan kegiatan masyarakat. Antaranya beliau memberikan kuliah dan majlis ilmu di masjid-masjid dan surau-surau, ceramah motivasi pelajar dan institusi pengajian tinggi, menyampaikan khubah jumaat, bantuan kepada fakir miskin, mewakili PAS dalam program program kaum bukan Islam serta terlibat secara langsung dengan beberapa Badan Bukan Kerajaan (NGO).
Beliau mempunyai lapan orang cahaya mata hasil perkongsian hidup bersama isterinya, Fatimah Taat. Anaknya pertama merupakan lulusan BA Syariah Universiti Mut'ah, Jordan. Anak kedua pula lulusan hafiz al-Quran di Universiti Mut'ah Jordan. Anak yang ketiga juga lulusan hafiz al-Quran dari Universisiti Damsyik, Syria dan Universiti Lebanon. Manakala anak yang ke empat hingga ke lapan sedang belajar di beberapa pelbagai institusi pendidikan dalam negeri.
Menurut Setiausaha Kerja PAS Perak, Khalilul Abdul Rahman, Nizar merupakan seorang yang pemurah dan mudah bergaul dengan masyarakat dan mengambil berat masalah kakitangan di bawahnya. "Jika ada kakitangannya yang menghadapi masalah, beliau akan cepat menyekesaikan masalah temasuk masalah kewangan," jelas Khalilul.
"Sebagai ketua pejabat, beliau seorang yang peramah dengan orang ramai termasuk orang bawahannya dan beliau bersedia mendengar pandangan orang lain," ujar beliau.
Memperjuangkan hak dan kepentingan rakyat menjadi agenda perjuangannya, kerana itu beliau bergiat cergas di dalam Badan Bukan Kerajaan (NGO). Umpamanya Gabongan Pengguna Air Perak (GPAP).
Keistimewaan beliau, walaupun lulusan dari luar negeri beliau mampu mengajar (buka kitab) di masjid-masjid dan suara-surau.malah beliau sendiri mampu mengelenggarakan ibadah kurban termasuk penyembelihan bintang kurban.
Haji Nizar juga selain boleh berbahasa Inggeris juga boleh berbahasa Cina dan Tamil. Inilah Menteri Besar yang dikehendaki oleh rakyat, mampu mentadbir, berwibawa dan mempunyai pengetahuan agama dan boleh membaca khutbah jumaat.
Perkenan Sultan Perak, Sultan Azlan Shah yang memilih Mohammad Nizar sebagai Menteri Besar Perak memang tepat, oleh itu semua pihak perlu akur dengan keputusan yang dibuat oleh Sultan Perak.
dari siasahdaily
19 ulasan:
17 mac 2008 hari isnin ni bolehlah sambut harijadi MB yek!!!surprise dari rakyat Perak untuk MB baru!!ada ciri2 TGNA tu...TGNA boleh ckp 6 bahasa...MB PERAK 3 bahasa!!insyaAllah doakan kesejahteraan di bumi PERAK!! dan bumi MALAYSIA!!
CV Ir Nizar membuatkan aku kagum dengan ilmu yang dimilikinya...
tak macam tokoh BN... cuma lulusan STPM... jadi JKKK pun buleh jadi calon BN... tu yang rakyat muak tu... sapa mau orang yang lemah ilmu memerintah negara... tapi ada jugak yang pangkah depa...
History has shown that the most "biadap" and "kurang ajar" people in Malaysia are from Umno Youth. If other people dare to be more vocal, Umno Youth would brand them as terrorists and detain them under ISA.
Creating a good quality of life for every Malaysian citizen should have been the goal and not allocation of wealth by race. NEP is fixated on this 30% thing. Why 30% and not 35% or 25%? Why such an arbitrary number?
Even within the non-malay community, a few billionaire individuals control a large percentage of the so called non-malay wealth. Should we punish them too with a form of NEP?
Some people say the NEP was basically good but failed in execution. But no amount of gift wrapping will change the fact that NEP had a racist agenda, a very dangerous element in a multi-racial society. Rather than forging a race blind society, the NEP was a program that brought race into the spotlight like never before and opened the floodgates for a host of other race based abuses.
But a lot of non-malays unhappiness is not just about the NEP. It is about how the nation perceives itself and how its citizens are treated unequally according to that perception.
The solution to all this fighting over the NEP, malay supremacy and malay education doctrines, I think lies in the examination of the history of Malaysia.
But look at Malaysia today, fallen so far behind Hong Kong, Korea, Singapore and Taiwan. Even Thailand and Vietnam look set to surpass us in the not too distant future! And let's not even talk about China, India and Japan.
To me, the structure of the NEP and its breakdown was due to the Mahathir era, where greed was the motto and social considerations were thrown into the rubbish bin. Under the guise of the NEP, this era saw a few people become filthy rich and the masses retrogressed.
This would never have happened with the NEP that the Tun Razak envisaged. His vision was to improve the livelihood of the poor malays, not to make the already rich, millionaires by giving them contracts on a silver platter.
The Mahathir era created malay millionaires who are both selfish and greedy, and who do not even think about others or help anyone. Even some non-malay cronies were given the same accord as a trade off. This privatisation process was in fact done under the guise of the NEP. This was what went wrong.
I have always maintained that the malays need help, especially the rural malays, but the question is how do we deliver that help in the most effective and beneficial way, one that strengthens and promotes malay self-reliance rather one which weakens the malays.
As a conservative economist, I believe in incentive and performance based approaches, and active self-help by the malay community itself with enabling government policies and support.
Well, I think fixation on percentages is also unhealthy. I think what is more important is that everyone in the nation should receive fair compensation for their work, can earn enough to live in dignity, can have proper housing in well maintained towns and villages, and have access to proper education facilities, medical care and recreational.
We must remind the members of parliament that they were voted in by their constituencies, and they gave to abide by the wishes of their constituencies, and not dictate to their constituencies.
This would involve a change in the mindset of BN leaders. The citizens of Malaysia can think and not stupid. BN leaders must respect the people wishes.
Secondly we should discuss race and religion separately. Not all Chinese are Buddhists, not all Indians are Hindus and not all malays are Muslims. Separate religion from race and then discuss the racial issues without getting emotional and overly sensitive.
Learn to accept that Malaysians are made up of different cultures and races. We need to accept this fact. Acceptance is one thing but tolerance is another.
I recall reading many posters that referring to their friendship with other races and how they get along well. So race relation is not dead and thus has to be encouraged and propagated.
In Malaysia, talk of Ketuanan Melayu should be discouraged. What is Ketuanan Melayu? Can someone elaborate here?
Every citizen of Malaysia have their right to peaceful existence in Malaysia, their rights to practice their custom and religion is protected under the constitution. Let that be the guiding light.
Yes, we can have differences of race and religion but that exist everywhere, not just in Malaysia. So what makes us Malaysians so special? Nothing.
Let us face it, Malaysians.
National Airline = MAS = Loss Big
National Bank = Bank Bumi = Loss Also
National Car = Proton = Tak Boleh
National Policy = NEP = Never Ending Problem
National Road = Toll = Money For Warlock
National University = UM = Joke
In other words, whatever touch nationalised, just wait for the vultures to start feasting. Malaysians, you buggers are being taken for a ride by your leaders and yet, come election, don't know how to vote properly for the future of your children and next generation.
This despite the fact that the NEP has resulted in corruption of endemic proportions, cronyism, guinea-pig experiment, mismanagement, the squandering the ill-gotten wealth, and above all, a self-denial syndrome regarding this massive wastage of public funds.
I really do not know what yardstick is being used to gauge and say that the malays have only achieved some 19 percent capital equity ownership as opposed to the 30 percent target set by the NEP.
With all the Umno owned entities plus licences and permits dished out generously, this should have surpassed the 30 percent long ago. What happened?
I would say that many of them want to get only the money, they did not want to do the hard work and learn the ropes of the business. I think this is the real problem.
But instead, meritocracy is blamed and that after all these years of affirmative policies, the malays have not been given the proper support to excel and succeed.
If the government is sincere in helping the malays, it has to stop corruption. There also has to be a change in attitude and mindset towards positioning with ability and pride.
The problem with Umno politics is that no one dares to think the unthinkable. They talk, but in some matters they will never walk the talk.
Education in Bolehland is a big joke. It is systematically being damaged, degraded, destroyed and impaired by the BN government ever since after Tunku. Why? So that the BN leaders kids can be comparatively better than common plebeians.
Why do you think they send their kids to overseas or private schools at a young age! They have no intention of sharing the rubbish education here period. Badawi like the big fool that he is blindly following it but christened it as his way. What joke!
I am a person who has never really liked to get involved in politics but I do feel that one must pay attention to the game as it does dictate the way we Malaysians live.
I work in the field of human resources and I know that a university degree does not help one perform. The academic ballot only opens the door for interviews and opportunities. At the end of the day, the individual has to perform.
Employers are profit-oriented. They above all, must be objective and rational.
Today, the competitive business environment and discriminatory government policies in Malaysia make it deadly not to focus on results, even for a short period.
Not only does the NEP provide a disincentive for market-demanded work and enterprise for the malays, it causes the non-malays to distrust the system and look for short-term gains rather than work for long-term gains.
Graduates do not develop long-term market-oriented skills and goals, they look at short-term pay, do not take any risks and avoid responsibilities and challenges.
Generally, the better their education, the less the problems.
We cannot be in business for social causes. It is bad enough that the government has wrong policies that we have to cope with.
It has already been stated many times, that the higher proportion of unemployed malays is mainly due to the incompatibility of skills possessed by them and those actually required by employers.
How can you force job market demands to change to suit another race quota system?
Anyway, we already have enough of these quotas in the education, government civil service, housing and other sectors. The whole idea is to try to move away from this quota system, not add to it.
The key thing is to be adaptable and move with the times. Many unemployed graduates are static and complacent - that is the real problem.
Employers, be they from the private or public sector, need to hire candidates on merit to provide superior service and to compete effectively in the increasingly global marketplace, and 'churning out better graduates' would certainly help.
While the quantity of graduates continues an upward trend, the same cannot be said of their quality - lowering of entrance qualification requirements coupled with inadequate teaching staff have produced graduates of insufficient quality.
Furthermore, many non-teaching obligations have caused lecturers and teachers to lose focus and therefore be unable to provide quality teaching.
To speed up the process of creating qualified graduates will mean upgrading Malaysia education at all levels. From young, students should be exposed to a more holistic and critical education.
The current bias towards science and math and the craze regarding examinations have created a generation of bookworms who memorise rather than understand.
Universities can choose to concentrate in certain disciplines to provide depth and quality, which in turn will attract good students from the region to study those disciplines. These local universities will then become universities of choice.
Teaching awards, better pay and remuneration schemes and a less non-teaching workload will not only inspire teachers to provide better a higher standard of education, but will also attract intelligent and talented people to the teaching profession.
We believe that with the active participation from students and teachers, constant reviewing and monitoring efforts by the government and with the foresight of our industries and the support of the general public, we come together to create a synergy that will inevitably improve our Malaysia education system.
My grandpa came to Malaysia from China on 1931 with only 10 cents Malaysia rinngit that time - he came here with nothing but only a pair of hands willing to work - he got his first job working as a construction builder and earn only a few cents a day.
My grandpa married my grandma in Malaysia and they both work hard together to earn a living and then they have babies, my dad and uncles……….during the war time, my grandpa still worked very hard to earn a living and finally, by enough feeding the family and savings - he managed to set up a small business selling the coconut sugar sweet thing - my dad managed to get into high school in Penang because my grandpa business was doing really good.
And when my grandpa die, he just left a car for my dad and the rest of his wills, he donated to the charity because he said, my dad doesn't deserved his wills because he has done nothing and he going to earn his own money.
And yes - my dad earned his own and support me to overseas university and after 3 generations……….I wonder why those malay people still need special rights and still making food at the corridor. I don't mind if they choose the life, but then they whining other races took their opportunity and blame us for causing them poor and unable to achieve anything.
I wonder why my grandpa and father can earn everything by their own hand and those malays whining we took all their things from their land. We don't steal, we don't rob the people - we just simply earn with our bare hand.
And you malay people still whining for something you impossible to achieve, and why not just wake up and get back to the reality, and work like a "real man" in this universe? We non-malays don't even care and won't spend our time here complain about the government and other stuffs you guys did - simply if we don't love this country.
Sometimes, really……….your race generation XYZ need to wake up a bit - your people still struggling about the "get it back from the non-malays" concept and don't you forget, this country is ours too!
It is such a pity for this country. I don't know why politicians have to extend their hands to influence the appeal/acceptance of university admission. That means if you find the right politicians, you will have a better chance of getting accepted.
I strongly believed that politicians should let the education ministry do its own job. The politicians should go ahead to set the criteria in accepting students so that there will be no more complaints.
How can improvements be made if the main ideas were to imitate without substance and to deceive with pride, prejudice and without merits!
We go through the same cycle every year. Ours is the only country in the world where taxes paid by the minorities are used almost exclusively to financially support the majority.
It is shameful and criminal. Undeserving people are given priority over more deserving ones. Even people under communist governments are treated better.
How long are we going to tolerate this situation? Until there is nothing left in the kitty? It is so despairing and we cannot even see a glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel yet. I cry for our country.
It is such a pity for this country. I don't know why politicians have to extend their hands to influence the appeal/acceptance of university admission. That means if you find the right politicians, you will have a better chance of getting accepted.
I strongly believed that politicians should let the education ministry do its own job. The politicians should go ahead to set the criteria in accepting students so that there will be no more complaints.
How can improvements be made if the main ideas were to imitate without substance and to deceive with pride, prejudice and without merits!
We go through the same cycle every year. Ours is the only country in the world where taxes paid by the minorities are used almost exclusively to financially support the majority.
It is shameful and criminal. Undeserving people are given priority over more deserving ones. Even people under communist governments are treated better.
How long are we going to tolerate this situation? Until there is nothing left in the kitty? It is so despairing and we cannot even see a glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel yet. I cry for our country.
All governments cover up their mistakes and control and manipulate information to their advantage to influence the people to stay in power. The question is to what degree.
In most western countries, where there are freedom of speech, press and information, the governments are not able to grossly pervert, manipulate, control and abuse the information.
Media are not control by the governments and their responsibility is to present the absolute truth to the people.
It is important the people demanded their basic rights to factual and quality information to make their opinions, and the government recognise the important to disclose accurate, factual and timely information to the people.
Malaysia like other developing countries, have a long way to go and their past records in this area is not good.
The equation of power is always looking at Umno first before reshuffle or recycle the cabinet. Country comes second.
This was the mantra in Malaysia since Mahathir time and it not surprising if one also think so. In Malaysia, the line was blurred between Umno and Malaysia. Though we may not like it and by right the ministers must be neutral, in fact this will take place every now and then.
We can comment but "fourth class mentality" will ultimately prevail in most of the Umno ministers. They treat the country like Umno. More and more spin-ministers will follow the footstep.
This is a government by Umno, for Umno and of Umno.
I don't think we should take these jokers seriously - except when they try to steal in broad daylight. Just make sure we all prepare well for the next election and find a way to put the truth to the people despite the wool that these people try to pull over our eyes.
All governments cover up their mistakes and control and manipulate information to their advantage to influence the people to stay in power. The question is to what degree.
In most western countries, where there are freedom of speech, press and information, the governments are not able to grossly pervert, manipulate, control and abuse the information.
Media are not control by the governments and their responsibility is to present the absolute truth to the people.
It is important the people demanded their basic rights to factual and quality information to make their opinions, and the government recognise the important to disclose accurate, factual and timely information to the people.
Malaysia like other developing countries, have a long way to go and their past records in this area is not good.
The equation of power is always looking at Umno first before reshuffle or recycle the cabinet. Country comes second.
This was the mantra in Malaysia since Mahathir time and it not surprising if one also think so. In Malaysia, the line was blurred between Umno and Malaysia. Though we may not like it and by right the ministers must be neutral, in fact this will take place every now and then.
We can comment but "fourth class mentality" will ultimately prevail in most of the Umno ministers. They treat the country like Umno. More and more spin-ministers will follow the footstep.
This is a government by Umno, for Umno and of Umno.
I don't think we should take these jokers seriously - except when they try to steal in broad daylight. Just make sure we all prepare well for the next election and find a way to put the truth to the people despite the wool that these people try to pull over our eyes.
Pak Lah, you are losing ground as the clock ticks. You are supposed to be an honest and religious man when you are chosen to be the prime minister. You preach and talk of great things to come for all Malaysians regardless of color, creed or race. You have not shown any of your talks being implemented.
Get rid of the dead woods and the useless ministers, and give the opportunity to the younger generation to help you rebuild the country.
It is hard and tough decision to make as everyone knows, but still you have to do something to correct all the wrongs that are getting worse as the days go by. Now your own ministers are going against you.
This is just a case of ministers hijacking the issue to further their political standing. Sadly at the expense of the public people. How in the world can we vote them in? It is like a case of voting them in to screw us and yet we say they are doing their job.
Our Gerakan, MCA and MIC ministers have lost their consciences and souls a long time ago. So it is pointless asking them to do the right thing.
These are the reasons why I always mention that the BN ministers were fourth class mentality people.
When the British
- ruled the land
- crushed resistance using Gurkhas
- took the natural resources (rubber, tin, etc) to be brought to the UK
- they were called "penjajah"
When our own Malaysia people
- rule the land
- crush resistance using ISA and police
- exploit the natural resources (gas, oil, etc) to be brought to the bank accounts in Switzerland
- they are called "satu lagi projek kerajaan Barisan Nasional"
Some ministers have strong connection and influence to get away with doing and saying anything without any respect for decency, law and order.
It seems the environment of fear, intimidation and threat is very strong to speak out for what is best for Malaysia and its ordinary people. This is a very unhealthy environment for a civilised, modern and progressive society.
It is time for the people to wake up and smell the coffee and think for themselves what is good and right for the country. Discard the bad and retain the good.
If you turn on BBC, there are fair and equal coverage on the UK opposition parties.
So is NHK (Japan), so is KBS (Korea), so is CNN (America), so is CBC (Canada), so is ABC (Australia).
Even in our neighboring Thailand, their TV coverage is fair for both ruling and opposition parties!
Only in this Umno hijacked country that you find most lop-sided idiotic coverage on Umno and its running dog partners!
Orang PAS tahu ke siapa yng cadangkan nama ir Nizar kepada Sultan Perak? Orang PAS memang tak tahu ?? sebab tidak hendak ambil tahu...
Jawapannya Mufti Perak yang kamu semua hina dan caci selama ini...iaitu Sahibus Samahah Datuk Seri Harussani Zakaria.
Bahasa Arab tak de ke dalam senarai yg Nizar boleh berbahasa?kalau pandai sahaja dalam akademik tidak bermakna pandai dalam pentadbiran kerajaan...
Yang aku tahu,pembangkang ni hanya tahu satu bahasa je.........MAKI HAMUN. jangan mareeee!!!
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