Polis tahan penulis blog pro-Umno Papagomo
Penulis blog kontroversi pro-Umno Papagomo hari ini ditahan polis.
Beliau ditahan bersama seorang lagi individu yang dikenali sebagai "King Jason".
Perkara itu dimaklumkan oleh pihak polis melalui pesanan Twitter hari ini. Sebab penahannya setakt ini belum diketahui.
Bagaimanapun, sebelum ini dilaporkan terdapat laporan polis dibuat terhadapnya dan seorang pembaca Shahrizad Mohd Diah atas dakwaan mengeluarkan kenyataan berhubung isu Melayu dan Cina.
Free Malaysia Today melaporkan, laporan itu dibuat oleh Jamilah Baharuddin di balai polis Simpang Tiga dan kemudiannya di Sungai Maong di Kuching. -mk
Papagomo and another blogger arrested
KUCHING: A Sarawak PKR’s women wing member today lodged a police report against blogger Papagomo and a reader – Shahrizad Mohd Diah – for allegedly calling on all Malays to riot against the Chinese for voting for the opposition.
The report was filed by Jamilah Baharuddin at the Simpang Tiga police station. Later she filed another report at the Sungai Maong police Station.
She was accompanied by Simon Siah, a lawyer and a PKR youth wing vice-chairman, and Patricia Ainon Daweg, a PKR member.
Jamilah alleged that the postings came from Papagomo, a well-known pro-Umno blogger, and Shahrizad Mohd Diah, a financial adviser who also claimed to be a managing director of MD Property Development Sdn Bhd.
Shahrizad allegedly suggested that on May 13, the “Malays should rise, riot and kill all Chinese bastards in Malaysia, and slaughter them like slaughtering pigs.”
“This is the only way,” he had allegedly said in a comment posted on Papagomo’s blog.
Papagomo in his posting allegedly said that Chinese in DAP ‘wajib ditendang’ (kicked) even though if it means bloodshed.
Jamillah said that she being a Malay was shocked to read such statements coming from the two persons.
“I am sure other Malays do not share their statements,” she said, pointing out that “we cannot blame the Chinese for supporting the opposition”.
She called on the police authorities to immediately take action against the duo for allegedly inciting the Malays to riot on May 13 as a pre-empt action.
Jamilah also urged the people to remain calm.
‘Stop the idiotic talk’
In KUALA LUMPUR, philantropist and social activist Robet Phang warned Papagomo and Shahrizad not to incite racial tensions in the country.
“As the prime minister said, we need to work on a national reconciliation process to heal the racial and political divisions that have sparked in the wake of GE13.
“This is not the time to be saying such ridiculous remarks, especially when it can cause chaos and set dangerous precedents. We have paid a price before for such idiotic actions…no more,” said the founder and chairman of the Social Care Foundation.
He also urged the police to investigate the blogger and his reader for making seditious remarks.
Bloggers arrested
In a latest development, the police today said that they have arrested bloggers Papagomo and King Jason over their insensitive articles.
“We will not rest until those who spread lies and post racial messages are detained… we expect to make more arrests soon,” Federal Commercial Crime Investigation Department director Syed Ismail Syed Azizan told a press conference in Bukit Perdana today.
The police also tweeted that a police report was lodged today an Utusan Malaysia report that contained elements of sedition.
It also said that the case was being investigated under Section 4(1)(c) of the Sedition Act 1948.
Ulasan GBBlogger King Jason Ditahan Polis
Blogger King Jason atau nama sebenarnya, Mohd Bustamam Omar ditahan polis tengah hari tadi atas alasan beberapa kiriman di blog berkaitan pengundi hantu dan penipuan dalam pilihan raya, kata peguam, Latheefa Koya.
"Beliau ditahan tengah hari tadi di bawah akta Suruhanjaya Komunikasi & Multimedia Malaysia (SKMM). Kini berada di Balai Polis Bukit Aman," kata Latheefa kepada Keadilandaily.
King Jason yang juga pemilik blog kingofgoblok.blogspot.com antara blogger yang aktif menentang penipuan pilihanraya terutama tindakan Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya (SPR) yang mendakwa bebas, namun sering memihak kepada Umno BN.
Posting terakhir blogger King Jason pada 6 Mei bertajuk 'Video BN merasuah pengundi supaya undi BN terkantoi, lokasi Bukit Beruang, Malaka'.
Sebelum ini blogger Milo Suam ditahan tiga hari dibawah Akta Rahsia Rasmi dan disiasat mengikut Akta Pilihan Raya 1958, Akta Komunikasi dan Multimedia 1998 dan Seksyen 505 Kanun Keseksaan.
"Jika King Jason direman, kita akan lawan," tegas Latheefa, yang juga jurucakap Lawyers For Liberty (LFL). -KD
Penangkapan papagomo adalah jelas.. seperti imej printscreen yang GB letakkan di awal entri ini.
Tetapi penahan King Jason masih kabur dan samar. Apakah kerana mendedahkan kebenaran video BN yang merasua pengundi supaya undi BN itu satu jenayah?
King Jason perlu dibebaskan segera kerana tiada hasutan yang dilakukan sebaliknya hasutan yang nyata ialah si papagomo.
Bagaimana pula Sharizad Md Diah itu yang terang-terangan mengeluarkan kenyataan yang menghasut?
Polis perlu bertindak professional, telus dan adil.