Purata 1.3 ulasan pembaca dilontarkan di kaki kenyataannya itu dalam tempoh seminit, majoriti kecewa, marah atau tidak selesa dengan pendirian Lim.
Pendirian Lim ini turut dimuatkan di blognya http://blog.limkitsiang.com
Sejak kenyataan itu dimuatkan pada 7:20 malam ini, kenyataan Lim menerima 271 ulasan pada 10:46 malam.
Ulasan terakhir (setakat berita ini ditulis) seseorang dengan nama samaran 'devilonpois' berbunyi:
Dear bloggers…, we have been throwing all our words from deep heart... Have all the messages being conveyed? Is there any of those who today becoming MP/ADUN/etc... getting our message? Have they forgotten what they are fighting for before 8 March?
(Rakan penulis blog semua, kita telah melontar coretan kita semua dari dasar hati kita ... Apakah mesej ini telah disampaikan? Apakah ada orang-orang yang menjadi ahli parlimen, Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri dan lain-lain ... menerima mesej kita ini? Apakah mereka sudah melupakan apakah yang mereka perjuangkan selama ini sebelum 8 Mac?)
diantara komen yang dapat dpetik
Yesterday at 20: 40.53
Uncle Lim! I don’t understand you DAP guys. You won not because of Chinese votes only. Without support of Malay votes, you think DAP could have won? Bloody hell we give you chance now you want to pull this off. Are you any better than MCA!!
Watch out now. You do anything that endangers the Barisan Rakyat, you will pay dearly in the next election. Suppress those hooligans in your own party! (You guys complain about the goons in UMNO now same thing is happening in your party)
Yesterday at 19: 55.13
Guys, just have to face reality, whatever is it, the MB post will surely be led by a Malay, since Perak is still a Malay majority seat. We are not a country which has totally eliminated race base politics like the USA. So it’s either from PKR or PAS.
Why the Sultan chose Pas instead of PKR is still a question remained to be answered.
BUT Please:
“As the appointment of PAS Assemblyman for Pasir Panjang Mohamad Nizar Jamaludin as Perak Mentri Besar representing the third and smallest political party in the proposed coalition has not received the mandate of the CEC, DAP Perak Assemblymen will stay away from the swearing-in ceremony for Perak Mentri Besar scheduled tomorrow.”
I would be very happy if the MB is from DAP as I’ve always been a DAP supporter. But life’s like that, it’s never fair! DAP will still rule the Exco state member seats! DON’T LET SUCH THINGS JEAPORDIZE our co-operation with other parties.
Yesterday at 19: 58.55
“As the appointment of PAS Assemblyman for Pasir Panjang Mohamad Nizar Jamaludin as Perak Mentri Besar representing the third and smallest political party in the proposed coalition has not received the mandate of the CEC, DAP Perak Assemblymen will stay away from the swearing-in ceremony for Perak Mentri Besar scheduled tomorrow.”
If staying away from swearing-in ceremony in the solution, uncle Kit must be kidding me. What is in store for Perak Uncle Kit? Is DAP showing some muscle now? I think it is too late. Just accept it.
BlueBear Says:
Yesterday at 20: 28.47
SungaiSiput is right.
Very very poor form, and I JUST CAN’T BELIEVE Kit has suggested to boycott the ceremony.
Yesterday at 20: 07.30
Lim Kit Siang, pls ask your DAP Perak Assemblyman to attend the swearing ceremony . We do not expect such a ‘childish’ action frm you. Let’s respect the appointment from the Sultan. Please do not give ammunition to the BN and the press ’sing’ about the coalition between DAP-PKR-PAS in Perak?
R you willing to forgo Perak then Selangor just bcos of this appointment? All the hard work that your assemblymen have done? If your answer is YES, I think those who had voted for DAP, will be really really really really disappointed.
Yesterday at 20: 07.43
Posted this earlier but it says it’s still awaiting moderation. I’ll repost it but without the s t u p i d word.
I’m not a DAP member but I and my family have always supported you and your ideals of a Malaysian Malaysia and voted for DAP whenever possible. I’m wondering if this step is necessary?
Since there’s no formal pact on who should be the MB because this has been an unexpected victory, and you’ve decided to form the state government together, I think it’s only right for your state assemblymen to attend the swearing in ceremony. I think it’s plain s****d if you guys decide not to attend the swearing in ceremony but remain as part of the state government.
Yesterday at 20: 08.51
Please don’t do it! please! I am a Chinese and a DAP supporter, please don’t this. It will definitely be targeted by BN that the opposition front can’t work together! Don’t do it! I beg you!
We must be united! WE must! The Rakyat don’t want to see any fraction in the opposition states!!!!
Why not?
If PAS as MB and DAP/PKR as deputies, I don’t see any problem with it. I do see PAS as having a more sincere effort in building Perak with the rest of our other ‘Rebelious’ states. You tauted DAP as a WIP Multi-racial party and here we have you staying away from the swearing in ceremony because of technicalities.
I remember witnessing PAS Marshals standing in between the BERSIH supporters and the FRU, they were the first to be hit, in order to shield ordinary men from being hit. PAS is like DAP, in the process of changing its party to a softer & friendlier stance, if PAS can do it, why can’t DAP?
Please accept the decision and prove DAP is sincere in running a state government with people’s mandate with Barisan Rakyat.
Yesterday at 20: 18.48
Please rethink your actions Kit, and the rest of the CEC.
If you let pride get in the way, it will spell disaster.
Yesterday at 20: 22.54
Looks like I wasted my vote for the DAP!Thought LKS has mallowed and now this pettiness to boycott the swearing in of the MB by DAP.Might as well give back Selangor to the BN.f!
Yesterday at 20: 33.45
I agree with the Sultan of Perak ’s decision. He sees far. Further then anyone of us. For the stability of not only the state but the country.
Yesterday at 20: 35.25
When PAS Marshals were hit, do you think they get to choose which PAS, DAP or PKR supporters to protect?
DAP and the rest of Barisan Rakyat worked so hard to get where we are, you as DAP stalwart are suppose to be exemplarary to others. What message are you sending to the rakyat when DAP stays away from the ceremony tomorrow?
Would you stay away from swearing in if let’s say PAS have a bigger win and picked DAP as MB?
If DAP starts this internal bickering 3 days after election then I beg you, please let DAP gulung tikar ‘coz it will prove DAP never meant to work with others.
3 ulasan:
sibedul kit siang ni pun satu hal ! tak habis2 ego & phobia bila dengar apa2 saja berbau Islam ! baik orang,parti atau apasaja ! dari dulu sampai sekarang dengan mentaliti lapuk,buka lah minda kit siang woi see & think out of the box! jangan jahanamkan pakatan yang dah kuat dibina oleh PAS,PKR & DAP ! jangan jadi 'chauvinist pig' yang sempit fikiran ! you alone are responsible if anything happens to the barisan rakyat ! open your eyes & mind,except the voters & your supporters demand before you loose popularity or trust ! no respect will be with you anymore if you still have this attitude :(
Andai Barisan rakyat pecah salahkan LKS sebab mulut orang tua ni masih lagi bermimpi di siang hari,Sultan dah pilih terima je lah..takkan sultan nak MB dia "chokia"..mestilah MB ada class , level pendidikan tertinggi..aku ingat orang tua ni elok disula je..menderhaka Sultan Perak..lain kali DAP ni kita bagi pembangkang saje..kalau banyak atau lebih kerusi kepala dia jadi biol ..lebih dahsyat dari MCA...tahun 2012 nanti pakat jatuhkan DAP..
Yup! kita mesti ada team work. itu yang buat UMNO kena taruh baru2 nie. Toksak dok kira melayu ka cina ka india ka. kita kira rakyat m'sia la nie meh lawan menentang 'Empire Pak Lah'...
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