Seorang bekas menteri dilaporkan telah disoal-siasat oleh Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM) semalam atas dakwaan berhubung penerimaan RM300,000 sebagai sumbangan.
Bekas menteri itu yang masih lagi seorang anggota parlimen dikatakan menerima ‘sumbangan’ berkenaan daripada sebuah syarikat tahun lalu.
Sumber-sumber yang dipetik oleh akhbar The New Straits Times berkata bekas menteri itu menghabiskan masa selama beberapa jam di pejabat SPRM.
Ia memetik sebuah blog yang mendedahkan bahawa seorang bekas menteri menerima wang berkenaan pada 7 April, tahun lalu daripada kontraktor projek jambatan bengkok. Penulis blog itu mempersoalkan tujuan dan mengapa sumbangan dihulurkan.
Penulis blog itu juga menggesa SPRM supaya membuat siasatan.
Now get down to business. Let’s divert the attention to another member of parliament. This member of parliament also received monies from Dato’ Yahya Abd Jalil companies (AMPMSB).
The mode of the transaction is pretty straight forward. Perhaps it is meant for social programs in the Member of Parliament constituency. Who knows for sure except for the giver and the receiver.
The Member of Parliament meant here was the former Minister of Youth and Sports Malaysia from March 2004 until March 2008 and also the former Minister of Tourism Malaysia from March 2008 until April 2009. The Member of Parliament is none other than YB Dato’ Sri Azalina Othman Said, Member Of Parliament Pengerang, Johor.
She has received “contributions” of RM 300,000.00 on 07/04/2011 thru a cheque number 872045 (here) belonging to AMPMSB. As I said, the true nature of the “contribution” is only known to the giver and the receiver. Perhaps it is best to let Dato’ Sri Azalina Othman make a statement just like her counterpart has. Perhaps SPRM also can have a closer look at this. -thewistleblower
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