Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Mohd. Najib Razak telah mengumumkan bahawa kerajaan Persekutuan telah memutuskan untuk memberi wang ihsan petroleum kepada Kelantan mulai tahun depan. Pemberian itu adalah berasaskan pertimbangan sama yang diberikan kepada Terengganu iaitu mengambil kira pengeluaran petroleum di luar perairan negeri berkenaan. Menurut Najib, keputusan itu adalah daripada segi perundangan di mana Kelantan seperti juga Terengganu tiada hak menuntut royalti kerana tiada pengeluaran petroleum dari perairan kedua-dua negeri itu yang ditakrif lebih tiga batu nautika (5.55 kilometer) dari tikas air surut atau pesisir.
Justeru jelasnya, wang ihsan akan diberi dalam bentuk projek pembangunan dan pembasmian kemiskinan di Kelantan. Sehubungan itu, Husam menegaskan, Kelantan juga sama seperti Sabah dan Sarawak berhak untuk dibayar royalti, bukan sahaja untuk satu telaga, malah kesemua telaga termasuk dalam kawasan JDA dan CAA.
Oleh itu katanya, “masa belum terlambat sebelum keadaan lebih bercelaru.” Husam juga menjelaskan, nampaknya keihsan BN masih berasaskan pada telaga pengeluaran minyak atau gas. “Negeri tak ada telaga minyak, tak adalah ihsannya. “Kelantan ada satu telaga? Bumi Selatan. Dapat wang ihsan. Terengganu ada banyak telaga, juga sama jauh di luar kawasan tiga batu nautika. Ada telaga tapi jauh, dapat wang ihsan, bukan royalti.
“Ada telaga, tapi tak lebih dari tiga batu (nautika) dari pantai baru dapat royalti. “Mana negeri ada telaga tapi tak lebih tiga batu dari pantai? Tolong tunjukkan. Sabah? Sarawak?” soalnya lagi.
source:malaysian insider
Bila PAS tawan Terengganu pada 1999,beberapa bulan selepas itu kerajaan pusat BN telah membatalkan pemberian wang royalti kepada kerajaan PAS Terengganu. Sebaliknya, pemberian royalti ini telah diganti dengan wang ehsan dan wang ehsan ini pula tidak dibayar terus kepada kerajaan PAS Terengganu. Sebaliknya wang ehsan ini dibayar kepada penyamun-penyamun UMNO dibawah urusan Idris Jusoh.
Bukankah tindakan gomen UMNO/BN ini melanggar Akta Petroleum 1974 dan 1976? Bila UMNO/BN merampas kembali Terengganu pada 2004 hak wang royalti,sebaliknya pemberian wang ehsan diteruskan dibawah tadbir urus Jabatan Perdana Menteri. Mengapa wang royalti ini tidakkembalikan,allahu a'alam.. mungkin gomen merasakan ianya adalah satu risiko yang besar, mana tahu Terengganu akan dirampas PAS/PR smula.......
Ini, apa kata Tengku Razaleigh ketika ditemubual oleh Malaysian Insider..........
Ku Li: I don’t think there is a (need for) legal redress, I think it is obligatory on the part of Petronas to pay. You see, the whole thing behind this issue was, I went to Tun Razak, who was prime minister then. I said: let’s do this vesting deed agreement because Selangor and Perak were difficult with us at that time, to sign the vesting deed agreement. So I told Tun Razak that on the east coast, there is potential for oil and gas. And why not we also do the same to bring in uniformity and we pay 5 per cent even if oil is found offshore in the area that is under the federal jurisdiction. So it was agreed and since we signed with the mentri besar of Kelantan, or I signed with the mentri besar of Kelantan the vesting deed agreement, if oil is found in the offshore area, although it is under the federal jurisdiction, even though it is in joint venture with the Thais today, 5 per cent must be paid to the state. As simple as all that."
cheers. -tumpang sekole
Under the Petroleum Development Act 1974, it says:
An Act to provide for exploration and exploitation of petroleum whether onshore or offshore by a Corporation in which will be vested the entire ownership in and the exclusive rights, powers, liberties and privileges in respect of the said petroleum, and to control the carrying on of downstream activities and development relating to petroleum and its products; to provide for the establishment of a Corporation under the Companies Act 1965 or under the law relating to the incorporation of companies and for the powers of that Corporation; and to provide for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto.
In return for the ownership and the rights, powers, liberties and privileges vested in it by virtue of this Act, the Corporation shall make to the Government of the Federation and the Government of any relevant State such cash payment as may be agreed between the parties concerned. In 1976, an agreement was signed between Petronas and ALL the states in Malaysia. In this agreement it states that any and all states where petroleum is found they would be paid 5% of the revenue and that this revenue is to be called ROYALTY. And, since then, Terengganu, Sabah and Sarawak have enjoyed a 5% ROYALTY from Petronas.
source:malaysia today
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