Kenyataan Syed Hamid mendedahkan kejahilan beliau sendiri dan kerajaan terhadap isu yang kerajaan sendiri perjuangkan. UMNO di dalam keadaan terdesak apabila cuba mengedar risalah perkauman di dalam pilihanraya K.Terengganu. 5 penggal terpilih sebagai Wakil Rakyat adalah bukti Abdul Wahid Endut sebagai calon yang diterima oleh rakyat. Wan Mutalib Embong mendedahkan pengedaran risalah KUALA oleh UMNO untuk mengelirukan rakyat Terengganu.

1 ulasan:
Malaysia two million Indians make up less than 8% of the population today but have been the victims of the NEP policy since 1971.
Today after 51 years of independence, the definition for "Indian" has become a metaphor for backwardness.
Even though the median family income of Indian Malaysians according to official statistics is higher than that of malays, certain segments of the Indian Malaysians population live in with hardcore poverty and form part of the lowest strata in terms of economic ownership.
The official statistics show that the national wealth owned by Indians is only 1.2% of traded equity since 1971.
And according to Hindraf, 15% of Malaysian juvenile delinquents are Indian while 50% of all convicts in prison since 2004 and 41% of beggars in 2003 were Indians.
The percentage of Indians in the civil service fell from 40% in 1957 to less than 2% in 2005.
According to official records, 30 to 35 Indians per 100000 commit or attempt to commit suicide annually as compared to 10 to 12 Malaysians per 100000 in 2006.
In education, the Indians make up less than 5% of the university intake of over 45000 annually.
The Indians in the country are seeking equality after 51 years of independence and what Malaysia needs now is a sacrifice of the rich and super-rich of all races in staying clear of the NEP to allow the poor of all races to move up and progress.
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