Najib, UMNO/BN ditimpa tiga aib besar di pesta Gangnam
Tiga keaiban besar menimpa Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Razak dan UMNO/Barisan Nasional (BN) ketika pesta RM3.
5 juta Psy dan Gangnam Style yang turut memalukan negara.
Ketua Parlimen DAP, Lim Kit Siang berkata, video satu minit tiga jawapan ‘ya’ untuk Psy dan tiga jawapan ‘tidak’ untuk BN ditonton hampir setengah juta di Youtube daripada banyak laman sejak Isnin lalu.
Katanya, Najib dan UMNO/BN dimalukan menerusi video lima minit penolakan Psy untuk tidak bersama Najib dan pemimpin BN, termasuk bekas Perdana Menteri, Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi ketika acara menggaul yee sang.
“Psy menolak untuk mempersembahkan “Gangnam 1Malaysia Style” juga memalukan Perdana Menteri sebaik mengumumkan bahawa Psy akan mengadakan persembahan itu selepas jawapan tiga kali “Ya” untuk Psy dan tiga kali “Tidak” untuk BN,” katanya dalam kenyataan media mengenai Pengiraan Detik 56 Hari ke PRU-13, semalam.
Menurut Kit Siang, kemunculan Psy dan Gangnam Style sempena pesta Tahun Baru Cina BN di Pulau Pinang sepatutnya menjadi hiburan dan menambahkan keyakinan UMNO/BN memenangi PRU-13, sebaliknya bertukar menjadi kemusnahan besar bagi parti yang memerintah negara 56 tahun itu.
Beliau yang juga Ahli Parlimen Ipoh Timur berkata, setakat ini kegagalan menjelaskan penaja yang melangsaikan sekurang-kurangnya RM3.5 juta untuk membawa terus “Psy dan Gangnam Style” dari Brazil ke Pulau Pinang melalui penerbangan 20 jam jika tidak daripada wang rakyat.
“Pada hari pertama sambutan Tahun Baru Cina, lebih 10,000 bendera 1Malaysia memenuhi jalan besar di Pulau Pinang yang digunakan Najib dalam lawatan dua hari itu menunjukkan keangkuhan “penaja misteri” pesta Psy dan Gangnam Style serta menghina undang-undang kerana bendera itu dipasang tanpa mengambil kira keselamatan dan undang-undang dianggar menelan belanja kira-kira RM100,000.
“Setakat ini penganjur rasmi BN Pulau Pinang mendakwa mereka tidak tahu siapa yang menaikkan 10,000 bendera 1Malaysia menggambar betapa tidak bertanggungjawab atau tidak cekap pemimpin BN negeri itu,” katanya.
Katanya, persoalannya mampukah Malaysia melakukan peralihan kuasa secara aman bagi Pakatan Rakyat menggantikan BN menjadi kerajaan baru di Putrajaya pada PRU-13 nanti Sekiranya ini dapat dicapai, beliau berkata, keaiban Najib itu menjadi rahmat buat negara bagi membolehkan Malaysia membuka lembaran baru untuk mencapai mencapai kemerdekaan kedua untuk rakyat Malaysia mampu berdiri sama tinggi dan bersaing dengan negara lain di dunia.- Roketkini
Riding out of Putrajaya ‘Gangnam style’?
Feb 11, 2013 in the Chinese metaphysics calendar was labelled as “Destruction Day” and no doubt it was disastrous for Barisan Nasional as Najib Tun Razak failed to increase his popularity despite getting South Korean artiste Psy to come to Malaysia to entertain the Penang crowd.
There were three major disasters for the prime minister on that day:
1. Pronouncing the name of the venue as “Han Yang” when it should be “Han Chiang”;
2. Failing to get Psy to come onstage to stir the “yee sang” – traditional do for Chinese New Year; and,
3. Getting rejected three times by the Penang crowd.
Najib’s advisers certainly did make a mess of things by failing to inform him that the name of the concert venue was the Han Chiang Chinese school ground and not “Han Yang”, thus causing him to be booed several times by the crowd due to mispronunciation.
Failing to get Psy to come on stage for the “yee sang” do was worst as it was obvious for all to see because the master of ceremonies had called Psy’s name several times.
And of course asking the crowd whether it was were ready for BN was certainly a bone-headed move because it opens oneself to attack. Najib had to sheepishly become the master of ceremonies to conceal the faux pas thereafter by inviting Psy to come onstage for his performance to sing his famous hit “Oppa Gangnam Style”.
“For the prime minister, this is the second major embarrassment to go viral on the social media after the ‘Listen, listen, listen’ episode. If Najib was thinking of dissolving Parliament this month, he has to think again,” said PAS Pokok Sena MP, Mahfuz Omar.
“Those in Umno who dislike Najib must be having a good laugh at the misfortunes that he and his wife seem to be facing. Najib is now a liability to Umno and Dr Mahathir [Mahathir] must be getting worried with the recent developments. The latter can even knock his head on the wall in frustration at seeing Najib’s stupidity on Feb 11,” he said.
Mahfuz is also of the view that Najib can switch careers after the 13th general election as the latter has already acted in a Chinese New Year advertorial and also played a role as the master of ceremonies during Psy’s concert.
Fed up of PKR’s Batu MP, Tian Chua, had commented that the expensive concert has failed to get the crowd to support BN. He also noted that a majority of the crowd only came to watch Psy’s performance and many of them left after Psy had performed.
DAP’s Taiping MP, Nga Kor Ming, opined that “we, the rakyat, are fed up of BN which is always trying to hoodwink us. BN always thinks that the rakyat is stupid and therefore we decided to tell him off during the concert when the opportunity presented itself”.
Calling on everyone to reject BN, Nga, who is also the Pantai Remis state assemblyman, said that the 13th general election is the best time to vote for a change in government, and BN’s failure in getting Psy to participate in the “yee sang” do is definitely a sign that their days are numbered.
Insider news revealed to a PAS’ Harakah journalist who is this columnist’s contact told of how the fighting spirit has gone out of Penang Umno after the recent announcement by Deputy Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin that the chairman of Penang BN, Teng Chang Yeow, will be made chief minister if BN succeeds in recapturing Penang.
Umno is the only opposition in Penang as it is holding all the 11 BN seats in the State Legislative Assembly after MCA and Gerakan were wiped out in Penang in 2008. Umno’s cybertroopers are now very angry with MCA, Gerakan and Penang Umno for the fiasco suffered by BN in the Penang-do.
According to this Harakah journalist, his contact had mentioned that the chairman of Penang Umno, Zainal Abidin Osman, had failed to ensure that there will be “10,000 mercenaries” standing in front of the stage to give Najib a resounding “yes” to all that he says during his speech.
The failure of Najib and BN to capitalise on Psy’s popularity is certainly a major setback for BN’s efforts in wooing the electorate. Contrasting the “yes” to Psy with a “no” to BN clearly shows that the only way BN can win the GE13 is through the dubious and much-disputed electoral roll and through the rural votes.
PAS is working very hard to reach out to the rural folk of all races. If this group wakes up in time for the GE13, then BN is finished.
BN leaders will do well to take note that threats and instant goodies will not work very much in this day and age. This is 2013 and BN has to move with the times as voters are getting to be more discerning.
The year of the Water Snake this time may prove to be BN’s year of doom as the snake swallows it whole. BN leaders may very well be soon riding out of the main gate of Putrajaya – Gangnam style.
8 ulasan:
PRU 13 makin dekat, terus rapatkan Pakatan antara Rakyat utk menumbangkan Be eNd wpun umno/bn menggunakan semua kuasanya yg dihujung nyawanya, kita bangun serentak dgn pengawasan mcm2 putarbelit dan penipuan yg akan dikeluarkan lg parti jahat penuh dgn fitnah tu.
terus ke penjara le langkah tu jika PR ambilalih Putrajaya...cerita akan semakin menarik jika UBN tumbang pd PRU 13 nnt...sesak penjara kat malaysia...huhuhuhu
So Najib and all UMNO plus his gang (MCA, MIC, GERAKAN and PBS) are your ready to gangnam style dance toward jail (For UMNO and his gang) and to France (for Najib)? Answer YES..........
Alhamdullillah !
Najib lebih bangga PSY Gangnam Style dari mahasiswa bertudung menutup aurat?
PSY CNY,Mahathir kata media alternatif penipu,bagaimana laporan TV Singapura?, juga tipu?, jangan tipu rakyat mahathir, TV3,RTM yang menipu laporan...?
berhati - hati jika pr menang PRU kali ni...puak2 umno gila ini akan lakukan apasahaja untk dptkn balik tampuk pemerintahan...mcm yg trjadi kat perak...mungkin malaysia akn diisytihar darurat n diserah pd kuasa tentera..
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