5 Mei 2014

[PANAS] Ugut Penjawat Awam: Ali Hamsa Dikecam Hebat & Wajar Dipecat Sebagai KSN

GST: ‘Jangan ancam penjawat awam’

Ketua Pemuda GERAKAN Tan Keng Liang berkata Ketua Setiausaha Negara Tan Sri Ali Hamsa tidak seharusnya mengancam untuk memecat penjawat awam yang menyertai perhimpunan anti cukai barangan dan perkhidmatan (GST) Jumaat lalu.

“Kerajaan persekutuan BN bukan satu pemerintahan kuku besi… Sebagai ketua setiausaha kepada kerajaan, beliau tidak sepatutnya mengeluarkan kenyataan yang bertentangan dengan prinsip demokrasi yang termaktub dalam perlembagaan persekutuan,” katanya.

Dalam kenyataan itu, Tan juga berkata Ali sepatutnya menyerahkan kes kepada polis jika terdapat mana-mana penjawat awam yang melanggar undang-undang mengikut Akta Perhimpunan Aman 2012.

“Penjawat awam masih rakyat Malaysia. Mereka tidak harus diancam dengan pelucutan jawatan kerana mereka bertindak mengikut hak yang dilindungi perlembagaan persekutuan,” katanya.

Pemuda GERAKAN juga menggesa ketua setiausaha negara agar tidak mengambil tindakan sewenang-wenangnya yang bertentangan dengan perlembagaan.

“Ini bertentangan dengan prinsip asas BN,” katanya.

Seramai kira-kira 50,000 orang menyertai perhimpunan raksasa pada 1 Mei lalu bagi menyatakan bantahan ke atas GST, yang akan berkuatkuasa April tahun depan.

Ali dalam satu kenyataannya selepas perhimpunan itu memberi amaran bahawa penjawat awam yang menyertainya boleh dikenakan tindakan termasuk diberhentikan kerja.

Beliau memberi alasan, penjawat awam tidak boleh menentang aspirasi dan dasar kerajaan. -mk

Ali Hamsa, apologise for threatening civil servants

YOURSAY ‘The civil service is not BN and they should not be treated as BN lackeys.’

Gov't threatens to sack anti-GST civil servants

Cogito Ergo Sum: The civil service serves the people. They do this by working in government departments to help facilitate the various services and programmes drawn up for the people's welfare.

It is the brave civil servant who dares tell his superiors that what he is doing does not benefit the rakyat. It is run from the taxes of the people, for the people. It is supposed to be neutral in all political matters. Yes, minister?

Habib RAK: The era of government knows best is over. This was what PM Najib Razak himself said. So what is wrong with civil servants expressing their views.

Are they not allowed to even do that? The "saya yang menurut perintah" is obsolete. I expected more from chief secretary to the government Ali Hamsa.

Survivor: Please be reminded that the civil service is not BN. They should not be treated as lackeys of the BN regime. Civil servants have their own individual rights to decide who should govern the country.

While they have to follow orders no matter how bad the government policy is, they should be allowed to exercise their own views.

Tikusmati: "Saya yang menurut perintah" - Ali Hamsa forgets that the above means working for the rakyat.

If he as the chief secretary to the government does not know this, he should just quit and join the political organisation of his inclination, for which we clearly know where his inclination lies.

Bystander: What kind of democracy is this? Civil servants are not permitted to criticise nor participate in protests even though there are valid reasons to do so. So they expect them to ‘bodek’ until we are like Greece and only then everybody is free to demonstrate?

If Ali Hamsa is worth his salt, then please ensure to sack the thousands of unhappy civil servants who demonstrated on May 1, 2014. ‘Jangan cakap sahaja’ (Don’t just talk), do it and see the repercussions.

Civil servants like me have been loyal and obedient for too long and that's why Malaysia has deteriorated so badly. Stop your blind loyalty, Ali Hamsa.

Kim Quek: Sacking a civil servant for taking part in a public rally is a violation of his constitutional right, and is liable to be sued for wrongful dismissal.

A civil servant, like any other citizen, is entitled to his freedom of assembly peacefully under Article 10 (1) (b) of the Federal Constitutional irrespective of whether the assembly is to support or oppose a government policy.

Granted that a civil servant is duty bound to implement government policy that is within the law, whether he likes or dislikes such policy, but he is certainly entitled to his own personal opinion regarding such policy.

And it is perfectly legal for him to express such opinion in his own way whether through a public rally or otherwise, as long as such activity takes place in his own private time. This is his legal and constitutional right, and it would be illegal for the government to punish him for exercising that right.

Chief secretary to the government Ali Hamsa must therefore apologise to all the civil servants in this country for having so rudely threatened them.

Together: I agree with all the comments here in Malaysiakini.

What Ali Hamsa is trying to say is that civil servants must agree with all government policies in order to keep their job. This is a load of rubbish. Civil servants pay are paid by the working rakyat.

Mushiro: Why treat these civic conscious civil servants like terrorists when the country is half filled with corrupted and treasonous civil servants and yet they get away scot-free.

Dr Suresh Kumar: These civil servants who took part in the rally would most probably be from the lowest rung of the government hierarchy.

And obviously the GST (Goods and Services Tax) will have an adverse impact on them. It is only natural for them to be concerned and participate in the protest.

Ali Hamsa should not threaten them with termination, when he did zilch to all those government head of departments and chiefs who were plundering the nation dry with their procurement yearly as been reported by the auditor-general year in and year out.

Why bully bottom rung employees while the top guys go scot-free? Shame on you, Ali Hamsa.

Casey: With due respect, Ali Hamsa, civil servants - like any other citizen or people of this country - are obliged to support the government's 'aspirations and policies' only if they're in sync with the people's, and hence national, aspiration.

The government, to begin with, was instituted by the people, to look after their inalienable rights as provided for under the Federal Constitution. Hence, the government derived its just powers from the mandate of the people and not the other way around.

But if the government, at the exploit of its political masters, becomes destructive and act against the interest of the nation by transgressing upon the people's livelihood, liberty and their well being, then it is the right of the people, the civil servants included, to protest and to oppose it.

And if that fails to work, to institute a new government within what is provided for in the constitution.

SpongeBob: Has the delivery system for the public services improved under your leadership?

Are there any concrete statistics for measuring performance and benchmarks against which you can gauge the current standards under your leadership? Would you care to share your performance success statistics?

All I know is that some your top-ranking officers, including you, claim that the high quality of the civil service success is due to the hard work of dedicated subordinate officers and their untiring contributions.

So, stop threatening them and start showing your performance as you are paid by the taxpayers and not Umno.

Anonymous #20513663: This is the real reason our civil service is increasingly devoid of talent, especially independent and critical thinkers.

Talentcorp and all the window-dressing programmes in the world cannot make brilliant Malaysians come back and submit themselves to the political bullying and repression that goes on in our civil service.

Hopeful123: Can a police report be lodged against the chief secretary for threatening the civil servants? The civil servants must get together and collectively sue this man.

Yours And My Malaysia: They are threatening the people. They all deserve to be sacked, not those who attended the anti-GST rally.

Penjawat Awam Yang Terlibat Dalam Perhimpunan GST, Bakal Di Pecat !

Penjawat awam yang didapati terlibat dalam perhimpunan membantah Cukai Barang dan Perkhidmatan (GST) akan dikenakan tindakan tegas termasuk dibuang kerja, kata Ketua Setiausaha Negara Tan Sri Dr Ali Hamsa.

"Kalau kita dapat bukti kukuh mengenai penglibatan mereka, tindakan akan diambil seperti yang dinyatakan dalam pekeliling dan tatatertib perkhidmatan awam (yang) bermula dengan amaran hingga buang kerja", katanya.

Menurutnya penjawat awam seharusnya menyokong aspirasi dan dasar kerajaan, bukan sebaliknya.

Beliau ditemui selepas menyampaikan Anugerah Perkhidmatan Cemerlang 2013 Majlis Amanah Rakyat (Mara) kepada 864 penerima di ibunegara hari ini.

Turut hadir Ketua Pengarah Mara Datuk Ibrahim Ahmad.

Ali diminta mengulas kenyataan Kongres Kesatuan Pekerja-Pekerja Dalam Perkhidmatan Awam (Cuepacs) pada sambutan Hari Pekerja Penjawat Awam Tahun 2014 semalam, yang menganggap penjawat awam terlibat dalam perhimpunan itu dianggap pengkhianat dan tidak layak bergelar penjawat awam.

Beliau berkata sehingga kini, pihaknya tidak menerima laporan membabitkan penjawat awam dalam perhimpunan itu yang diadakan di Dataran Merdeka di sini semalam.

Terdahulu, dalam ucapannya Ali mengingatkan penjawat awam supaya sentiasa mendokong dan melaksanakan Dasar Transformasi Negara ke arah menjadikan Malaysia negara maju dan berpendapatan tinggi menjelang 2020.

"Transformasi yang dilakukan berupaya meningkatkan daya saing negara di samping menjana kadar pertumbuhan ekonomi positif.

"Ini secara tidak langsung memungkinkan kerajaan untuk mempertimbang insentif dan kemudahan lain bagi kebajikan penjawat awam secara khususnya", katanya.

Beliau berkata penjawat awam adalah ejen penyampai yang terbaik untuk menterjemah setiap visi kerajaan.

Tahap kemajuan sesebuah negara bukan sahaja dinilai dari aspek kekukuhan ekonomi malah merangkumi ketelusan dan integriti yang dimiliki institusi negara itu termasuk sektor awam, katanya.

Justeru itu, Ali berharap semua penjawat awam mengamalkan konsep 'kerja sebagai ibadah' bagi meningkatkan kesedaran dan tanggungjawab terhadap pekerjaan.
- Bernama


Jangan Biarkan Pasangan Anda Menderita,
Atasi Kelemahan Zakar Dengan MEN CAPSULE.
LIKE kami di SINI

11 ulasan:

  1. Hello Mamak, kita orang berkhidmat untuk Rakyat, bukan untuk BN.

  2. Tahniah kejayaan bantah GST, patutlah UMNO tak mahu Mat Sabu jadi timbalan presiden PAS

  3. sepatutnya si ali hamsa ni kena di pecat dulu.seorang KSU yang teramat bengong di abad ini.

  4. Keturunan benggala kutty pantang diberi sedikit kuasa, jenis ini akan putar semaksima mungkin. Mereka naik cara bodek dan kelentong. Berkawan boleh tapi jgn pelawa masuk ke rumah.

  5. kesinambungan & kelangsungan 'kutu'runan pengkhianat & pembelot sikitul & mendaliar pada melayu sejak dulu hingga kini ! ABU !

  6. kakitangan kerajaan m'sia (bukan kerajaan bn) berdemo, ugut nak diambil tindakan, apa dah jadi dgn lapuran ketua audit negara (bertahun2 cerita yg sama), apa tindakan? merely a form filling exercise all these years? being stupid is not a crime, jadi penjawat awam memang bangang kot?

  7. oiii KSU mari sini nak royak.Kalau kamu tak mahu kami bersuara suruhlah kerajaan kamu mansuhkan sistem demokrasi dan hak2 kebebasan bersuara yg tercatat dalam Perlembagaan Negara.
    Jadilah Ketua Setiausaha Negara yg cerdik jangan jadi Ketua Setan Umno Negara.Menyusahkan kami je..

  8. Geng mahathir al kutty, mamak bendahara yang menjatuhkan kerajaan Melayu melaka

  9. Kakitangan awam inilah yang sebenarnya telah menjadikan imej kerajaan sekarang sebagai korup dan sebagainya. Mereka tidak amanah dan mereka tidak cekap, sebaliknya mereka meletakkan atau memindahkan segala ketidakjujuran dan ketidakcekapan itu kepada Kerajaan. Mereka pembohong dan tidak melaksanakan dasar-dasar yang digubal untuk kebaikan rakyat, sebaliknya mereka menuduh majikan mereka sebagai berbohong dan tidak mempunyai dasar-dasar yang baik.

  10. Sepatutnya KSN lah kena letak jawatan pasal anak buah tidak akur pd arahan...ini bermaksud kakitangan awam tak hormat atau percaya pada anda...cuba lah tiru pemimpin negara maju bila orang tak suka terus letak jawatan...jangan terhegeh2 sibuk nak pecat orang sana sini kalau diri sendiri berbau najis...

  11. jenis mamak naik tongkang hanyut dari india sampai malaya


Oleh kerana terlalu ramai yang menyalahgunakan ruangan komen untuk tujuan mengeluarkan kata-kata kesat, mencarut, maki hamun dan bahasa yang tidak murni, semua komen akan disemak dahulu sebelum dilulusterbitkan.