2 Feb 2011

Sah, Hosni Mubarak Dibantu Israel

Israel hantar senjata untuk bantu Hosni

KAHERAH: Israel dilapor menghantar senjata untuk menyuraikan tunjuk perasaan untuk digunakan oleh Presiden Mesir, Hosni Mubarak, terhadap beribu-ribu penunjuk perasaan yang menentang pemerintahan 30 tahunnya.

Menurut Rangkaian Hak Asasi dan Pembangunan Antarabangsa, pesawat Israel mendarat di Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa Mina Sabtu lalu dengan membawa kelengkapan itu. Ia melaporkan, pasukan keselamatan Mesir menerima kargo di atas pesawat Israel, termasuk gas untuk menyuraikan penunjuk perasaan yang dilarang oleh pertubuhan antarabangsa.

Sementara itu, parti pembangkang utama Mesir, Ikhwanul Muslimin semalam bersetuju untuk menyokong pemimpin pembangkang liberal, Mohamed ElBaradei sebagai jurucakap utama kumpulan pembangkang dalam rundingan reformasi.

Ikhwan mengumumkan keputusannya semalam ketika perarakan bantahan ‘sejuta orang’ berterusan di Kaherah.

Mohamed, 68, adalah bekas Ketua Agensi Tenaga Atom Antarabangsa - AP

ANALYSIS: Mubarak Finds a Strong Ally in Israel

As long-standing allies and admirers distance themselves from Egypt’s autocratic regime, President Hosni Mubarak has found himself with only one serious ally left in the Middle East --Israel.

While Washington has publicly chided its stalwart ally of 30 years, urging him to stop repressing his people and speed the transition to democracy, only Israel and two conservative Arab monarchies -- the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan and Saudi Arabia -- have publicly embraced Mubarak.

Apart from these public endorsements, however, only Israel has taken concrete steps to demonstrate continuing support for the first Arab country to shatter Israel’s regional isolation by making peace in 1979.

Although that peace agreement specifically forbids Egypt from stationing forces in the Sinai Peninsula, which was demilitarized by the 1979 peace accords, Israel permitted Egypt on Monday to deploy 800 soldiers there to protect police headquarters and other government installations from being attacked by angry Bedouin and other protesters and to prevent chaos from spreading.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu spoke to Mubarak by phone early in the crisis, the Israeli press reported, assuring him of Israel’s continuing support. Netanyahu, breaking almost a week of silence about the mass protests and riots sweeping Egypt, on Monday warned Islamic extremists could well fill a political vacuum and threaten the peace between the two nations. -foxnews

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