20 Jul 2010

Rosmah Jatuh Terkangkang Di Sabah: Hukum Tuhan Pun Berjalan

Rosmah slipped

Earlier, the Prime Minister's wife Rosmah Mansor caused a slight commotion when she slipped and fell on while descending from the stage after delivering her speech as the President of Bakti (Welfare Body for Wives of Federal Ministers and Deputy Ministers and Barisan Nasional MP).

She had just delivered a speech that lasted more than 40 minutes at the closing ceremony of the wives of BN elected representatives annual programme when she fell that drew a loud scream and gasps from those gathered.

Rosmah did not hide her anger to her bodyguard who failed to catch her hand as she was slipping. In front of the packed ballroom in a major resort and spa here, once she picked herself up, pulled away from her bodyguard and refused to be guided by the back to her seat.

She also waved her finger crossly at her female bodyguard as though rebuking and blaming her for letting her fall.

Musa, who was about to deliver his speech after Rosmah, stopped for about five minutes as Najib, Musa and other dignitaries at the VVIP tables checked on Rosmah. Other wives of the elected representatives sitting near the main table also went to see her.

After indicating that she was fine with a smile, Musa made his way to the rostrum but stopped at the place where Rosmah had fallen and scratched the surface of the staircase with his shoe.

“True it is very slippery,” he said before proceeding with his speech.

However, her husband Najib did not touch on the matter when he went to deliver his speech to close the annual programme.

Najib took just over 15 minutes to deliver his closing speech as he said “my wife has said all that I wanted to say”. -reported at FMT and MT

Ulasan GB

Demikianlah, Najib dan UMNO perlu sedar bahawa hukum Allah boleh tiba bila-bila masa. Kejatuhan Roismah itu baru secebis peringatan, beliau boleh ditimpa bencana yang lebih buruk di atas segala perbuatannya.

Begitu juga Najib dan lain-lain pemimpin UMNO BN. You'll fall, the hardest way.

11 ulasan:

  1. Ishk...ishk.....Kesiannya. Kalau jatuh tu mengaibkan ROSMAH, tak payah lah nak aibkan. Hukum balasan Allah bukan kerja kita.

    Kita ni kena fikir dengan lebih matang.

  2. semoga allah membalas perbuatan zalim yang mereka lakukan

  3. diakhirat kelak bagaimana agaknya???

  4. macam pemimpin PKR yang istihar bebas, pun insyaallah akan terlentang sama

  5. Jangan percaya kpd blog....kah..kah..kah..

  6. gb,

    ni fasa pertama, fasa kedua akan menyusul, insya' Allah. semuanya akan berlaku mengikut fasa...

  7. Padan muka... biar dia mampus bersama UMNO...
    HIDUP PAS!!!!
    HIDUP PKR!!!
    HIDUP DAP!!!!

  8. Takde rakaman video d youtube ke? Menarik ni.

  9. itu bukan balasan dari Tuhan..adalah sangat bertentangan dengan sifat-Nya yang penyayang jika Ia melakukan hal sedemikian..Tuhan hanya benci akan dosa, bukan manusia...

  10. sape lg yg akn buat dosa klu bukn manusia...padan muka rosmah..mintak2 pasni jatuh dalam sungai klang plak kihkihkih

  11. "my wife has said all that I wanted to say". Sape PM ni?


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